OneTwo3D News

Happy birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday OneTwo3D

Two years ago in the middle of Covid lockdown I decided to build a new 3D printer. I had (and still have…) an Ender 5 at this point in time. Voron came quite quickly to the top of my list as the printer of choice. But  I realised that it was quite difficult (and expensive) […]

Chaoticlab CNC Tool-free, XY-Axis Tensioner for Voron 2.4

ChaoticLab Products on OneTwo3D

We are now selling some of the great ChaoticLab products on OneTwo3D, a great addition to our product portfolio. Do you want to improve your xy- or z-belt tensioner system with a tool-free adjustable one, or add the ChaoticLab CNC machined version of the VoronTap to your printer, we have them for you in stock.

Voron Tap is here

Voron Tap is here – the best probe ever?

In the past bed probing meant always compromising in the one or the other way: mechanical probes with breaking switches, inductive probes being fried due to their proximity to the printer’s hotend. On top of that the probing was always done offset to the nozzle of the printhead, which in itself leads to slight inaccuracies. […]

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday OneTwo3D

One year onetwo3d… I never thought I would be saying this when we started a year ago (onetwo3d was more an accident than a planned business…). There were lots ups and downs and if you believe it or not, running a 3D printer parts shop is fun but by far not the money making machine […]

Meet the Team at OneTwo3D

Did you ever want to know who is doing logistics, purchasing, customer support, accounting, IT,… at Today is the day and we are lifting the secret: Meet the team at OneTwo3D Jana, our in house accounting expert Janik, logistics is his world Janet, managing the great customer support at OneTwo3D Janis, our in house […]

Voron Trident

Today was another big day in the Voron history. Not only has Voron serial #3000 been assigned but also the long awaited successor of the Voron 1.8 has been presented, the Voron Trident. It is an imporved version of the 1.8 with an clear upgrade path in mind and also keeping the price roughly the […]


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