LDO Nitehawk 36 USB Toolboard (Rev. C)


The Nitehawk 36 (Rev. C) by LDO is a tool board featuring a RP2040 MCU, TMC2209 stepper driver, ADXL345 accelerometer, and USB port. Nitehawk-36’s USB based connection method allows for a simple and easy setup compared to other CAN tool boards.

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LDO Nitehawk36 Rev. C 2
LDO Nitehawk 36 USB Toolboard (Rev. C)
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LDO Nitehawk 36 USB Toolboard (Rev. C)

Improved Revision C

The LDO Nitehawk 36 USB Toolboard is featuring a RP2040 MCU, TMC2209 stepper driver, ADXL345 accelerometer, and USB port. Nitehawk-36’s USB based connection method allows for a simple and easy setup compared to other CAN tool boards. The USB connection also allows for a secondary USB port to connect your nozzle webcam or eddy current probe.

  • Convenient wiring, no more complicated and error prone breakout cables – Nitehawk only requires 24V power and a USB connector to the RPI host.
  • USB Klipper connection, no additional software or hardware setup compared to CAN.
  • Secondary USB port, an onboard USB port allows you to connect a second USB device to your toolhead without running an additional umbilical cable.
  • Custom toolhead cable, a single combined USB data and power cable rated for drag chain use, but can also be used in umbilical configuration.
  • Convenient Input Shaping, run input shaper calibration at anytime with an onboard accelerometer.
  • Tacho enabled HEF, the hot end fan port is three pin tachometer compatible, allowing for additional diagnostics and safety.
System Overview

The LDO Nitehawk 36 USB Toolboard system consists of two PCBs and the Umbilical Cable. A simplified wiring diagram is shown below:

  • Nitehawk-36, this is the main PCB, which houses the MCU, stepper driver, fan drivers, and other circuits.
  • Umbilical Cable, this is a custom flex cable that is rated for drag chain use. It delivers 24V power to the main Nitehawk PCB while also carrying USB data.
  • USB Adapter, this simple PCB combines 24V power from the power supply and USB data from the Raspberry Pi into a unified connection to the main Nitehawk PCB via the Umbilical cable.
Harness Installation

Rev C Nitehawk 36 will be shipped with a mix of molded and non-molded harnesses. Please make sure to tie down the harness between the connector and “moving bit” of the harness. Especially for the non-molded version make sure to leave enough slack between the tying point and the connector to de-couple the connector from the moving harness.

Printed Parts

The printed part is available in the Nitehawk github repo here.

  • USB Adapter Mount, this is the mount for the USB adapter PCB. It is designed to be used with a standard Voron DIN clip and can be mounted in two different orientations. It also features a cover to reduce the chance of static discharge onto the PCB.
Klipper Config Files

A Klipper Configuration can be found in the LDO Nitehawk 36 Toolboard github repo here.

Port and Pin Definitions

LDO Nitehawk36 Rev. C Wiring diagram



















Device/PortPCB LabelConnector TypeRP2040 PinDescription
 E MotorMOTORJST-XH2.5 4Pgpio23/24/25/0/1 (step/dir/ena/uart/tx)A stepper motor port for the extruder. Driven by a TMC2209 chip. The current sense resistor is 100 mΩ. Enable is active low
Filament SensorJST-PH2.0 2P gpio3Connects to the filament sensor. Supports switch based sensors only.
ProbePRBJST-PH2.0 3Pgpio10Probe for bed levelling and/or Z sensing. 24V power only.
X EndstopX-STOPJST-PH2.0 2Pgpio13Connects to the X endstop. Supports switch based endstops only.
Part FanPCFJST-PH2.0 2Pgpio6Connects to part cooling fan.
Hotend FanHEFJST-PH2.0 3Pgpio5/16 (fan/tacho)Connects to hotend fan. The fan control pin is gpio5 and the tachometer sensor pin is gpio16.
PCF Voltage Selector2mm JumperSelection of 24V or 5V.
HEF Voltage Selector2mm JumperSelection of 24V or 5V.
Probe Voltage Selector2mm JumperSelection of 24V or 5V.
USB Expansion PortJST-ZH1.5 5PConnects to USB expansion board.
NeopixelJST-PH2.0 3Pgpio7Connects to Neopixel LEDs.
Hotend HeaterHE0E0506 Ferrulegpio9Connects to the hotend heater.
Hotend ThermistorTH0JST-PH2.0 2Pgpio29Connects to the hotend thermistor. Uses a 2.2kΩ pull up resistor.
Activity LEDACTgpio8A small software controlled onboard LED. Active low.
Accelerometergpio27/18/20/19 (cs/clk/mosi/miso)ADXL345 accelerometer for input shaping. Controlled via software SPI.
Toolhead CableXT30(2+2)A USB port for toolhead.
 Electrical Specifications
Power Supply InputVin202428Vpower input for the toolboard.
TemperatureTenv60operating ambient temperature
5V CurrentIrpi5Acurrent output for the 5V buck converter.
Fan CurrentIfanTBDAcurrent rating for each fan port (HEF and PCF).
Firmware Setup & Update

See instructions  on the LDO support pages

Additional information

Weight0.24 kg
Dimensions10 × 12 × 3.5 cm
