Nevermore Scorch S
850ml (630-690g) of the next generation filtration medium from Nevermore.Handling and Safety
While Nevermore Scorch is not inherently harmful or toxic (its safe to touch by hand), it is advisable to handle with care. Avoid contact with eyes or airways, as KMnO4 will react with mucous membranes. The safety of our users is a priority, and while risks are low, they should not be overlooked. Plastic gloves will protect from accidental Scorch residue being on your fingers when later scratching your eyes, a face/dust mask will protect from inhaling KMnO4 dust when pouring or refilling filters, and protective glasses from accidentally getting Scorch in your eyes (it hurts!).
Environmental Considerations
The product, when saturated with VOCs, can be disposed of in regular waste systems. However, care should be taken to ensure unspent KMnO4 does not leach into nature – if Scorch is still bright purple, reactive KMnO4 can leech into ground water where it should not be! If your use of the product ends, unspent Scorch needs to be taken care of by waste management authorities based on your local waste disposal regulations.