Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK (single piece, V4)


This is the update to the Afterburner toolhead board for the Clockwork2 extruder and Stealthburner. The toolhead PCB is compatible with all new Linneo wiring harnesses. It comes with all Molex pins and counterpart connectors.

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Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK (V4) (top)
Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK (single piece, V4)
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Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK (V4)

The Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK (V4) is the update to the Afterburner toolhead board for the Clockwork2 extruder and Stealthburner. The toolhead PCB is compatible with all new Linneo wiring harnesses. It comes with all Molex pins and counterpart connectors.

Version 4:

24V – HE0 +V
PROBE – Sensor/Probe 2 (referenced to 24V)
HE0 – Hotend Heater -V
5V – 5V
PCF – Part Cooling Fan -V
HEF – Hotend Cooling Fan -V
AGND – Hotend Thermistor -V
TH0 – Hotend Thermistor Signal Pin (TH0)
AUX – Auxillary
S1A – Red Stepper Wire
S2A – Green Stepper Wire
S1B – Blue Stepper Wire
S2B – Black Stepper Wire
LED – Neopixel Data Pin
FS – Sensor/Probe 1 (referenced to 5V!)

Options for Aux Pin

The aux pin of the Stealthburner Toolhead PCB by HartK can be used for a couple different things , it can be used for an X endstop on the toolhead if you are going with the umbililcal , to do this you need to wire up the x endstop as shown here:

The aux pin can also be used as a header for a plugged in chamber thermistor , to do this you need to wire the thermistor up as shown here:

Wiring instructions:

More wiring instructions on our support portal and on Git.

Additional information

Weight0.02 kg
Dimensions10 × 10 × 3 cm

